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Refund Policy

We will provide a refund in certain circumstances. These refunds will be subject to a administration fee:

1.      We understand that circumstances arise from time to time that are unforeseen. All such requests for refund will be considered on an individual basis.

Anything processed in error by us, and charged to you, will be fully refunded at no cost to you.

Privacy Policy

CLAE is committed to protecting the privacy of any personal information you may provide when visiting the website. Any further use of the personal information you give us will be in accordance with the federal Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents (PIPED) Act. The website does not automatically gather any specific personal information from you, such as your name, phone number or e-mail address. We only obtain this type of information if you supply it by sending us an e-mail or registering in the Members Only portion of the site. All information voluntarily sent to the CLAE website, by e-mail, feedback form or other means becomes the property of CLAE. CLAE does not sell or distribute any personal information.

Social Media Policy

The organization’s guiding principles for social media posting can be found here.

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